Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lessons Learned While Getting My VC Army Together Part 1

Well, the last of the packages came today...the one containing the Varghulf I bought...and this completes my latest foray into (for now at least). I am still trying to get rid of a few miscellaneous things but the are more to clear my garage and to get some money for the 3 or four GTs I plan to attend this year than to get what I need to build my army. In all I have around 60 skeletons, 60 Ghouls, 40 Zombies, 60 Grave Guard, a couple of Varghulfs and a bunch of characters. I already had a really nice bsb from Rackham, and I plan to use chaos knights with more appropriate heads as blood-knights (ghouls or possibly daemonettes would work I think).

So what lessons can I pass on to my fellow cheapskates? Well, I think the most important thing is that my foray onto barter town proves Law #3 quite nicely, it is better to have less of what you want than more of what you don't! Specifically in my last post...note that I tracked money spent and the retail value of what I got...I didn't really care that I was giving away a fortune in Skaven, because to me they were nearly worthless. It meant deals were easy to find as I was giving way more than I was getting. Lets consider what I got rid of (some of this stuff is old so estimates of what it would cost retail follow)
1 Box of Storm Vermin (41)
18 Metal Plague Monks (80)
170 Clanrats (350)
1 IOB Set (90)
4 Books (36)
1 Box of new clanrats (25)
1 Vermin Lord (50)
1 Warp Lightning Canon (20)
2 Assasins (20)
1 Ratling Gun (10)
1 MK I SM Vets (41)
1 Box Marauder Knights (25)
2 Pegasus knights (30)
4 Phoenix Guard (18)
8 Bret KOTR (35)
2 Metal Rat Ogres (20)

So the total value of what I gave up is 861 +109 (what I spent) to get less than 800 dollars worth of stuff. A bad deal to some... a great deal if the 861 is stuff you wont miss!

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