Thursday, December 29, 2011

Building My New Vampire Counts the Cheapskate Way- Trading

The new Vampire counts pictures went up just after I started this blog
and I was prepared ... I had been reading Warseer for the past few months and following the Vampire the end of November I started looking through my unused armies and noticed my Skaven were sitting around gathering dust, and I had no enthusiasm to paint them... and really never had. Perfect trade bait...but I had to act fast, before everyone wanted VC...what follows is a guide to acquiring miniatures with minimal cash.

Trade 1 (Local Friend): Check with your friends- Though I had an ad on first instinct was to check with my local gaming buddies...and sure enough one of them wanted to trade undead for my newest skaven:

He got: 20 New Stormvermin, 20 Clan Rats, A Couple of 6th ed rat ogres, 15 of my 4th edition plague monks, a few old metal assasins, a couple of ratling guns, and an old style warp lightning cannon!

I got: Corpse Cart, 20 ghouls, arms/heads/legs for 30 more ghouls, 10 grave guard

Total Spent: 0
Retail Cost of Goods Acquired: 116

My grave guard (Ebay)Thinking I was going to be done acquiring grave guard I ordered 20 more grave guard on ebay for 50 bucks...assembled without bits but still a respectable 41 percent off retail....

Total Spent: 50
Retail Cost of Goods Acquired: 200

Rounding out the Ghouls (Hoard O' Bits): Since I had bits (arms and heads) for 30 ghouls, I ordered 30 sets of ghoul bodies and legs from Hoard O'Bits for 40 dollars (they have an ebay site and an online direct site the direct site is a little cheaper

Total Spent: 90
Retail Cost of Goods Acquired: 275

Trade 2( While waiting for my ghouls bits, I traded the elves from my old IOB box and an NIB pegasus knight (I wasn't planning this but I had the extra models) for 30 skeletons and 8 grave guard...after compensating my trade partner for some bits that were missing from my shipment...and paying for shipping:

Total Spent: 121
Retail Cost of Goods Acquired: 383.6

Trades 3 & 4 ( Were actually sales...I had a bunch of 6th edition clanrats (something like 170) and I sold them all for 68 bucks+shipping (someone got the better part of an army for under a hundred bucks!) and this brought me some very good karma in my next trade

Total Spent: 53
Retail Cost of Goods Acquired: 383.6

Trade 5 ( Major score! I traded a some Bret Knights of the Realm and a second pegasus knight for 10 grave guard...the person I traded with decided to just send me their entire VC collection (I will take every spare Bret Model I can find and send them as a gift)

18 GG Assembled10 GG Brand new
15 Skeletons assembled
10 skeletons on sprue (missing legs but thats only like 10 bucks)
1 varghulf
1 corpse cart
3 necrarchs
female vampire
new necro
a bunch of ghoul bits (don't need but hey)
Fur cloak vampire on foot
Old mannfred no horse

Now I am not going to count every model on here for retail acquired as I would never have bought some of these but even by conservative standards this is what goods acquired looked like: 120GG+65 Skeletons+35 Varghulf+25 Corpse Cart+20 New Necro+ 30 Vampires=~295

Total Spent: 53
Retail Cost of Goods Acquired: 678.6

Trades 6&7 ( Feeling flush I bought a metal varghulf and a metal mounted mannfred for 56$ on Bartertown

Total Spent: 109
Retail Cost of Goods Acquired: 678.6

Trade 8 (Barter I traded a unit of chaos marauder horsemen, 4 old metal phoenix guard, an old box of space marine veterans (the original one) for 70 zombies!
Also I need to buy legs for one of my skeleton sprues for another 10 bucks

Grand Total Spent: 119
Grand Total of Retail Cost of Goods Acquired: 763.6

I'm still trying to sell a few items to pay for supplies (magnetic bases, trays, I ordered for the army, flock, primer...) but this will be part of another article

All told...I will be fielding an army of
66 Grave Guard
65 Skeletons
50 Ghouls
70 zombies
2 Varghulfs
2 Corpse Carts
A Bunch of vampires/characters all for under 120 dollars and a bunch of miniatures I did not need/want!

I'll discuss lessons learned and how they apply to people not swimming in miniatures, in the next article!

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