This article is not about making your bases look good, but how to do it as efficiently as possible in whatever color and texture you want. I believe that magnetizing your Warhammer miniatures is well worth the extra expense and one of the reasons is that magnetized bases are extremely efficient to texture and paint. The recipe should be apparent from the pictures but basically it goes like this:
1. Buy and magnetize your bases and their movement trays
2. Buy a medium sized piece of sheet-metal at home depot for about a dollar.
3. Pour your base texture onto the sheet metal
4. Arrange the bases flush on your tray
5. Brush some glue onto the bases (I like Gorilla Glue because it dries faster than PVA, but slower than super glue). Note that in the pic I have only dripped the glue (I then used an old base to spread it over each base)
6. Dip the tray of bases into the texturing material (in this case flock, but sand, dirt or whatever will work just as well)
7. Paint as desired (you may want to paint before you dip into the texturing material depending on if you want to paint the texture material or not)
8. When you paint, you can use the sheet-metal tray to hold the bases for you, that way you don't have to go back over where your fingers were
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