The first part of my VC army will be the ghoul kings, pictures coming soon
Ghoul King (2500pts)
2500pt Vampire Counts 8th Ed (2012) Roster (Standard)
Lords (615pts)
Master Necromancer (240pts)Extra Level (35pts), Lore of Vampires, Nightshroud (40pts)
Strigoi Ghoul King (375pts)Aura of Dark Majesty 6in -1 LD (25pts), Dark Acolyte- Nehek Cast+D3 to roll (25pts), Fear Incarnate- Enemy Reroll Fear Test (20pts), Fencer's Blade (40pts), Potion of Speed (5pts)
Heroes (410pts)
Necromancer (125pts)Book of Arkhan (25pts), Extra Level (35pts), Lore of Death
- Tomb Banshee (95pts)
- Tomb Banshee (95pts)
- Tomb Banshee (95pts)
Core (630pts)
Crypt Ghouls (630pts)62x Crypt Ghouls (620pts), Ghast (10pts)
Special (380pts)
Crypt Horrors (190pts)5x Crypt Horrors (190pts)
Crypt Horrors (190pts)5x Crypt Horrors (190pts)
Rare (465pts)
- Terrorgheist (225pts)
Terrorgheist (240pts)Rancid Maw (15pts)
Profile Summary:
Name M WS BS ST T W I A LD Crypt Ghoul 4 3 0 3 4 1 3 2 5 Ghast 4 3 0 3 4 1 3 3 5 Strigoi Ghoul King 6 6 3 5 5 3 8 5 9