The Big List of Alternate Models

Ogre Kingdoms
Pirate Ogres and a cannon mounted on a Crocodile

Russian Alternative

Alternate 40K models: Alternate Heads, Wheels and Vehicle Weapons are just some of the things that can be found here
Scibor: Primarchs, Space Mrine Chapter Specific Bitz
Puppets War: Vehicle Sprues, Alternate heads, Orc Vehicles, Alternate Turrets
Microarts studio: Pretty cool alternate Adeptus Mechanicus Minis, a Ton Of Bases
Chapter House Studios: Lots of bitz accessories that fill in Games workshops range, Tyranid Parts to make tervigons, and true scale marines. a good kit to make combi weapons.
bitspudio- an online store specializing in non-gw bitz (carries bits from a few of the sculptors above)
Hitech miniatures- Some interesting character models and obliterators
Secret weapons miniatures: Razorback or predator
Anvil Industry: Space marine bits
Zinge Industries: Ammo Belts, Hoses, Wheels
Chaos Space Marine (including Nurgle and Slaneesh bits) cool nurgle backpacks/jump packs
Space Marine, guitars and crab claws for slaneesh
Eldar: Cheaper, cooler eldar bikes
Orks: Freebooter Heads
IG (Astra Militarum)- Alternate heads, looks like for catachans especially
Wargames Exclusive: Chaos Space Marine
Pumpkin Warriors!