GW = Games Workshop
R= Reaper
V = Vallejo
F= Folkart
A= Americana
Wall of Martyrs:
Primer- OSH Red Spray Primer
Body Colors (all stippled with a relatively large brush in order)
- Dark Reaper (GW)
- Thunder Hawk Blue (GW)
- Sotek Green (GW)
- Lothern Blue (GW)
- Bahama Blue (America)
- Georgia Clay (Americana)
- Terra Cotta (Foldkart)
- Rkarth Flesh (GW)
- Agrax Earth Shade (GW)
Fiery Bits-
- Georgia Clay (Americana)- Do not wait to dry
- Blend Flash Gitz yellow (GW)
- Light overbrush flash gitz yellow after a minute or so
America Paratroopers from FOW Starter
Helmets- Catachan Green
Pants- Mix of Catachan and Ghould skin[R]- (highlight with ghoul skin)
Jacket- Mississippi Mud[A] highlight/Straps- Khaki tan [A]
Camoflauge on Helmet- Forest Green[A] and spots of Cocoa Bean and ghoul skin
Camoflauge on Helmet- Forest Green[A] and spots of Cocoa Bean and ghoul skin
Boots/Rifle Stocks- Coffee Bean [F]
Metal- Boltgun Metal [GW]
Ground- Dab- Coffee Bean [F] , DabBurnt Sienna [F], dry brush rackarth flesh[GW]
Wash-Agrax Earthshade [GW] for ground and troops