
GW = Games Workshop
R= Reaper
V = Vallejo
F= Folkart
A= Americana

Wall of Martyrs:

Primer- OSH Red Spray Primer
Body Colors (all stippled with a relatively large brush in order)

  1. Dark Reaper (GW)
  2. Thunder Hawk Blue (GW)
  3. Sotek Green (GW)
  4. Lothern Blue (GW)
  5. Bahama Blue (America)
  6. Georgia Clay (Americana)
  7. Terra Cotta (Foldkart)
  8. Rkarth Flesh (GW)
  9. Agrax Earth Shade (GW)
Fiery Bits- 
  1. Georgia Clay (Americana)- Do not wait to dry
  2. Blend Flash Gitz yellow (GW)
  3. Light overbrush flash gitz yellow after a minute or so
America Paratroopers from FOW Starter
Helmets- Catachan Green
Pants- Mix of Catachan and Ghould skin[R]- (highlight with ghoul skin)
Jacket- Mississippi Mud[A] highlight/Straps- Khaki tan [A]
Camoflauge on Helmet- Forest Green[A] and spots of Cocoa Bean and ghoul skin
Boots/Rifle Stocks- Coffee Bean [F]
Metal-  Boltgun Metal [GW]
Ground- Dab- Coffee Bean [F] , DabBurnt Sienna [F], dry brush rackarth flesh[GW]

Wash-Agrax Earthshade [GW] for ground and troops