It all started when I wanted some yeomen as cheap redirectors to fend of death-stars for a few turns, and as squig kamikazes, but 55 bucks was too rich for my blood. Searching the various historical ranges available at the time didn't yield any satisfactory results either and I held off buying, until it occurred to me thatjust because a unit is cavalry doesn't mean the riders have to be actually mounted on their horses. The rest was easy.
I had remnants from my peasant infantry and archers, and I simply combined that kit with a few horses I had from renegade miniatures. and then I made these:
- 1 pack of 5 medieval horses, I used some old horses from renegade miniatures I had, but GW's or finding your own by googling "28mm horses" will also work. I think they are 3 bucks a piece from GW.
- 5 men at arms bodies, heads and arms (you do have peasants in your army, right?)
- 1 Set of archers arms with bows,I think I had some from an old empire sprue, but I think almost any arm with a bow will work.
Altogether this should come to about 5.50 a miniature, and in IMHO looks better than the real thing. If you don't have some/all of the bodies/bits, and don't need the full kit you can use bitzbarn or hoard o'bits or black dagger games, or or ebay to get them.