Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Scenario Ideas for Warhammer Tournaments

So Reece recently posted this: and for those who care about 40K even less than I do, he basically said:
  • Comp sucks because it restricts what a player can bring (and is horribly inconsistent)
  • Special rules (i.e random movement, magic fluxx, fog of war) suck because they take away models that a player paid points for,
  • So maybe the way to even out discrepencies between lists is to fiddle with victory conditions.
I'm not sure that comp completely sucks as for example banning allies in 40K would be an excellent idea, but when looking at fantasy the idea of altering victory conditions does seem to have merit.

I started thinking up ideas about how this can be done in warhammer, and I am going to write them down here and now for your amusement. These are ideas for scenario victory conditions, not actual scenarios!

Haunted house, improve the supposedly unplayable scenario where the winner is the one that holds the building with
  1. Holding building is an extra 500 points
  2. Assualting the building makes it 50 points less valuable
This makes it so both players have to think more carefully about which unit holds the building, as putting your best unit in the building could allow your opponent to destroy the rest of your army. the 50 points less valuable thing allows an interesting use for larger units of weaker troops who have no hope of taking the building but could chew away at how valuable the building is.

Wheat from the chaffe (any or all of below), 
  1. none core units count half for victory points
  2. core units only count half for vp
  3. player who killed largest unit (by wound count), gets 100VP bonus
  4. player who killed most expensive unit gets 100VP bonus
  5. killed most flyers (by wound count) +100VP
  6. killed most missile (or warmachine) units (by wound count) +100VP
First blood/Vandetta
  1. First/last unit (broad sense of the term) killed counts for double vp
  2. Player declares a unit  (broad sense of the term) at the beginning of the game
  1. Table quarters +100
  2. Enemy deployment zone +100
  3. Unit still in own deployment zone -25
  4. 4 objectives placed by players worth 100 each at end of game (uncontested)
  5. Cleanse style mission for Fantasy
Favor of the dark gods:
  1. Every miscast + 50 points
  2. Winning a challenge of any kind +50pts
  3. Winning a challenge against superior class champion < hero < lord +50 points per class
  4. Accepting challenge +25 points

Awards (nothing like best painted)

Wins and losses DO NOT MATTER, as this makes all games meaningful, and solves the problem of having a "true winner" over 3 games, it does create the problem of possibly having someone go 3-0 and still not win

Chosen of Khorne: player who killed the most points of enemy models (i.e. Regardless of how much he had killed of his own)

General of the Empire: Player who had most objective points at the end of tournament

Architect of Fate: Player who gave up the least points (mission and killed) at the end of the game

Sunday, October 27, 2013

25 Facts About the Imperial Fists

A Few years ago, at the height of the Chuck Norris Facts  craze, me and a friend of mine decided to record some facts about the Imperium's foremost space marine legion/chapter, the Imperial Fists. Posting it here to keep it from getting buried on the forums I posted it on.

  1. It is true that Guilliman wrote the codex astartes, exactly as dictated by Dorn
  2. Imperial Fist Librarians don't take Perils of the Warp tests, the Warp takes Perils of the Imperial Fists tests.
  3. When an Imperial Fist crosses the road, no dares ask him why he did it.
  4. The pen is mightier than the power sword, when properly wielded by an Imperial Fist
  5. Imperial fists tactical squads don't take special weapons, as every weapon is special in the hands of the imperial fists
  6. The universe is always expanding, but it knows full well that it can't escape the wrath of the Imperial Fists
  7. The Codex Astartes defines Impregnable as: "Can only be taken by Imperial Fists"
  8. The Imperial Fists have designed several fortress worlds, and let them fall to Chaos, just in case they get bored
  9. They Catachan devil was known as the Segmentum Solar devil, before the Imperial Fists started hunting it
  10. The mechanicum's 3rd law of motion is wrong, there is no reaction equal and oppisite to an assault by the Imperial Fists!
  11. The mechanicm's 1st law of thermodynamics is wrong as well, an Imperial Fist can destroy anything, even energy
  12. Rogal Dorn invented black, in fact, he invented the whole spectrum of colors...except pink which is clearly the work of the Ultra Marines
  13. An imperial fist can play russian roulette with a fully loaded storm bolter, and win!
  14. Had the Lord of the Rings featured an Imperial Fist instead of a hobit as its main character, it would only be 5 pages long
  15. Rogal Dorn once engaged in a staring contest with the eye of terror, and won!
  16. If at first you don't succeed, you are not an Imperial Fist!
  17. The Codex Astartes was originally titled: "How to be more like the Imperial Fists"
  18. The Imperial Fists did not lose Bechters Gland (spit poison) they donated it to needier chapters
  19. The Imperial Fists got rid of the Sus-An Membrane (1/2 sleep) because they realized that
  20. if they didn't take an occasional break there would be nothing left to kill in the Galaxy
  21. To this day no one knows if Imperial Fist Vehicles have a reverse gear, as they have never retreated
  22. An imperial Fist never has to oil his bolter or armour as they are always slick with blood.
  23. If an Imperial Fist wants your opinion, he'll beat it into you.
  24. After taking a steroids test, the Apothacaries informed Rogal Dorn that he had tested positive. He laughed upon receiving this information,
  25. and said unto them "of course my blood tested positive, what do you think they make steroids from?"